Homemade Dishwasher Tablets5 January 2006 | Jo Look at these amazing dishwasher tablets I made. I found the recipe here but changed it a little as I didn't have certain ingredients. However, I have still seen reasonably good results in my dishwasher. Ingredients:
26 tbsp bicarbonate of soda
15 drops lemon essential oil
6 tbsp salt
8oz water
A dash of apple cider vinager I mixed the bicarbonate of soda in a bowl and added the lemon essential oil. Then I added the water, apple cider vinegar a mixed really well until it formed a paste. I added this mixture to my space invaders ice cube tray. Think they look pretty neat too! I then allowed this to set over night and placed in the fridge the next day for a few hours. Look! How cool are these... I added four of these to the dishwasher. It does clean your plates and cutlery well but it did leave a residue on glasses. A good way to avoid plastic packaging, affordable and prevents harmful chemicals from entering our water system. |